Bettestal Necker Bookkeeping Check your federal or state tax refund status

Check your federal or state tax refund status

Check The Status Of Your Refund

Our phone representatives cannot provide you with the refund amount you requested on your return, even after verifying your identity. It’s the procedure we follow to ensure your information remains safe and confidential. If you used a tax preparer to file your return, contact them for a copy.

Check The Status Of Your Refund

Your refund amount may also change if you have a debt due to government agencies or public or private institutions of higher learning. We are authorized to reduce your refund to pay the debt. If all or part of your refund is seized, you will receive a letter with more information including who to contact if you have questions. Any refund remaining after the debts are paid will be sent to you. If you receive a letter asking to verify your withholding, you need to provide the requested documents so we can continue processing your return. For fastest processing, use the email address or fax number provided in the letter.

Department of Revenue Services

If you don’t receive your refund within 15 days, call your bank. Our automated processing system scans every return for errors and signs of fraud. Depending on the result of your return’s scan, we may need to manually review it. This refund status will continue to display until your return posts to our system.

Enter the required information below to find out the stage and a more specific status of your refund. If you submitted your return electronically, please allow up to a week for your information to be entered into our system. Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. If we apply your refund or credit to any debts, we will notify you by mail. If funds are not available or the bank refuses to return the funds, we cannot compel the bank to do so.

Receiving Your Refund

This form shows the amount of the state refund that you received last year but does not mean that you will receive an additional refund. Please view theFrequently Asked Questions About Form 1099-G and Form 1099-INT pagefor additional information about Form 1099-G and Form 1099-INT. If you file your return electronically and have your refund directly deposited Check The Status Of Your Refund into your checking or savings account, you will receive your refund faster. If you file a paper return, the timeframe is extended. In general, you can expect your refund to take longer than previous years as we continue our efforts to prevent identity theft and fraud. You may use our refund inquiry application to check the status of your current year refund.

Why can’t I see my refund status?

There are a few reasons why you may be getting the following message at Where's My Refund: We cannot provide any information about your refund. You must wait at least 24 hours after you get the acknowledgment e-mail that your tax return was received by the IRS.

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